CMAQv5.3.3 CONUS 2 Benchmark Tutorial using 12US2 Domain
Use Cycle Cloud pre-installed with CMAQv5.3.3 software and 12US2 Benchmark data.#
Step by step instructions for running the CMAQ 12US2 Benchmark for 2 days on a Cycle Cloud
This method relies on obtaining the code and data from blob storage.#
Information about how to share a snapshot of a Blob Storage account: Share from Blob Storage Account”
You will need to copy the snapshot and create a new blob storage, and then use your Blob Storage as the backup to your Lustre Filesystem.
Use a configuration file from the github by cloning the repo to your local machine#
cd /lustre
sudo mkdir cyclecloud-cmaq
sudo chown username cyclecloud-cmaq
git clone -b main
cd cyclecloud-cmaq
Lustre - Request Public Preview#
Information about the Public Preview for Azure Managed Lustre see: Azure Managed Lustre Benchmarking Lustre
See information on how to join: Azure Managed Lustre - Registration form link
Create Lustre Server#
Blob Storage - Lustre hierarchical storage management#
Update Cycle Cloud#
Log into the new cluster#
Use your username and credentials to login
`ssh -Y username@IP-address``
Verify Software#
The software is pre-loaded on the /lustre volume of the CycleCloud.
ls /lustre/build
Load the modules
module avail
---------------------------------------------------------- /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles ----------------------------------------------------------
amd/aocl dot module-git modules mpi/hpcx-v2.9.0 mpi/impi_2021.2.0 mpi/mvapich2-2.3.6 mpi/openmpi-4.1.1 use.own
amd/aocl-2.2.1 gcc-9.2.1 module-info mpi/hpcx mpi/impi-2021 mpi/mvapich2 mpi/openmpi null
-------------------------------------------------------- /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles ---------------------------------------------------------
hdf5-1.10.5/gcc-9.2.1 ioapi-3.2_20200828/gcc-9.2.1-hdf5 ioapi-3.2_20200828/gcc-9.2.1-netcdf netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.2.1
Load the modules for the classic-netCDF libraries.
module load ioapi-3.2_20200828/gcc-9.2.1-netcdf
Loading ioapi-3.2_20200828/gcc-9.2.1-netcdf
Loading requirement: gcc-9.2.1 mpi/openmpi-4.1.1 netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.2.1
Verify Input Data#
The input data was imported from the S3 bucket to the lustre file system (/lustre).
cd /lustre/data/CMAQ_Modeling_Platform_2016/CONUS/12US2/
Notice that the data doesn’t take up much space, only the objects are loaded, the datasets will not be loaded to the /lustre volume until they are used either by the run scripts or using the touch command.
More information about enhanced s3 integration for Lustre see: Enhanced S3 integration with lustre
du -h
27K ./land
33K ./MCIP
28K ./emissions/ptegu
55K ./emissions/ptagfire
27K ./emissions/ptnonipm
55K ./emissions/ptfire_othna
27K ./emissions/pt_oilgas
26K ./emissions/inln_point/stack_groups
51K ./emissions/inln_point
28K ./emissions/cmv_c1c2_12
28K ./emissions/cmv_c3_12
28K ./emissions/othpt
55K ./emissions/ptfire
407K ./emissions
27K ./icbc
518K .
Change the group and ownership permissions on the /lustre/data directory
sudo chown ubuntu /lustre/data
sudo chgrp ubuntu /lustre/data
Create the output directory
mkdir -p /lustre/data/output
Examine CMAQ Run Scripts#
The run scripts are available in two locations, one in the CMAQ scripts directory.
Another copy is available in the cyclecloud-cmaq repo. Do a git pull to obtain the latest scripts in the cyclecloud-cmaq repo.
cd /lustre/cyclecloud-cmaq
git pull
Copy the run scripts from the repo. Note, there are different run scripts depending on what compute node is used. This tutorial assumes hpc6a-48xlarge is the compute node.
cp /lustre/cyclecloud-cmaq/run_scripts/CycleCloud_HB120v3_lustre3_250/* /lustre/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/
The time that it takes the 2 day CONUS benchmark to run will vary based on the number of CPUs used, and the compute node that is being used, and what disks are used for the I/O (shared or lustre). The Benchmark Scaling Plot for hbv3_120 on lustre and shared (include here).
Examine how the run script is configured
head -n 30 /lustre/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/run_cctm_2016_12US2.576.6x96.cyclecloud.hpcx.codemod.lustre3.precision.csh
#!/bin/csh -f
## For CycleCloud 120pe
## data on /lustre/data directory
#SBATCH --nodes=6
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -o /lustre/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/
#SBATCH -e /lustre/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/
In this run script, slurm or SBATCH requests 6 nodes, each node with 96 pes, or 6x96 = 576 pes
Verify that the NPCOL and NPROW settings in the script are configured to match what is being requested in the SBATCH commands that tell slurm how many compute nodes to provision. In this case, to run CMAQ using on 108 cpus (SBATCH –nodes=6 and –ntasks-per-node=69), use NPCOL=24 and NPROW=24.
grep NPCOL run_cctm_2016_12US2.576.6x96.cyclecloud.hpcx.codemod.lustre3.precision.csh
setenv NPCOL_NPROW "1 1"; set NPROCS = 1 # single processor setting
@ NPCOL = 24; @ NPROW = 24
Build the code by running the makefile#
cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc_codemod
Check to see you have the modules loaded
module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) gcc-9.2.1 2) mpi/openmpi-4.1.1 3) netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.2.1 4) ioapi-3.2_20200828/gcc-9.2.1-netcdf
Run the Make command
Verify that the executable has been created
ls -lrt CCTM_v533.exe
Submit Job to Slurm Queue to run CMAQ on Lustre#
cd /lustre/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/
sbatch run_cctm_2016_12US2.576.6x96.cyclecloud.hpcx.codemod.lustre3.precision.csh
Check status of run#
36 hpc CMAQ lizadams CF 2:15 6 cyclecloudlizadams-hpc-pg0-[1-6]
Successfully started run#
36 hpc CMAQ lizadams R 0:47 6 cyclecloudlizadams-hpc-pg0-[1-6]
Once the job is successfully running#
Check on the log file status
grep -i 'Processing completed.' CTM_LOG_001*_gcc_2016*
Processing completed... 1.936 seconds
Processing completed... 1.939 seconds
Processing completed... 1.935 seconds
Processing completed... 1.942 seconds
Processing completed... 1.942 seconds
Processing completed... 1.936 seconds
Processing completed... 1.943 seconds
Processing completed... 1.939 seconds
Processing completed... 2.859 seconds
Once the job has completed running the two day benchmark check the log file for the timings.
tail -n 18
Start Day: 2015-12-22
End Day: 2015-12-23
Number of Simulation Days: 2
Domain Name: 12US2
Number of Grid Cells: 3409560 (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers: 35
Number of Processes: 576
All times are in seconds.
Num Day Wall Time
01 2015-12-22 1023.92
02 2015-12-23 825.48
Total Time = 1849.40
Avg. Time = 924.70
Submit a minimum of 2 benchmark runs#
Ideally, two CMAQ runs should be submitted to the slurm queue, using two different NPCOLxNPROW configurations, to create output needed for the QA and Post Processing Sections in Chapter 6.