CMAQv4+ CONUS Benchmark Tutorial using 12US1 Domain

5.1. Use Cycle Cloud with CMAQv5.4+ software and 12US1 Benchmark data.#

Step by step instructions for running the CMAQ 12US1 Benchmark for 2 days on a Cycle Cloud using beeond parallel filesystem for input data. Note, cpus are required to create the beeond shared filesystem, to copy the data in, and copy the data out. Therefore, it is necessary to leave some cpus available for this work, and to not use all of the cpus in the CMAQ domain decomposition (NPCOLxNPROW)

Input files are *.nc (uncompressed netCDF)

5.1.1. Use the files under the following directory to set up the CycleCloud Cluster to use beeond.#

Using a modified version of the instructions available on this Blog Post, updated for the new CycleCloud version 8.5 and slurm 22.05.10.

Full Beeond: BeeGFS on Demand User Manual

Edit the cluster and use the Cloud-init option for your CycleCloud to install the code in the file: beeond-cloud-init-almalinux8.5-HBv3

Do not use the Apply to all option. Select Scheduler and copy and paste the contents of obtained from github as follows:


Select hpc and copy and paste the contents of into the shell


Save this setting, and then terminate and then restart the cluster.

5.2. Log into the new cluster#

To find this IP address you need to go to the webpage for your Azure CycleCloud Clusters: https://IP-address/home

Double Click Scheduler,
Under view details double, click scheduler, and a pop-up window will appear
Click on the connect button in the upper right corner.
Copy and past the login command that is provided. It will have the following syntax:

ssh -Y $USER@IP-address

Make the /shared/build directory and change ownership from root to your account.

sudo mkdir /shared/build
sudo chown $USER /shared/build

Make the /shared/cyclecloud directory and change ownership from root to your account.

sudo mkdir /shared/cyclecloud-cmaq
sudo chown $USER /shared/cyclecloud-cmaq

Install the cyclecloud-cmaq repo

cd /shared
git clone -b main cyclecloud-cmaq

Make the /shared/data directory and change ownership to your account

sudo mkdir /shared/data
sudo chown $USER /shared/data

Create the output directory

mkdir -p /shared/data/output

The beeond filesystem will be created using the 1.8 T nvme disks that are on the compute nodes when the run script is submitted. If you use two nodes, the shared beeond filesysetm will be a size of 3.5 T.

beegfs_ondemand 3.5T 103M 3.5T 1% /mnt/beeond

5.3. Download the input data from the AWS Open Data CMAS Data Warehouse using the aws copy command.#

Install AWS CLI to obtain data from AWS S3 Bucket

cd /shared/build
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

Download the data

cd /shared/cyclecloud-cmaq/s3_scripts/

5.4. Verify Input Data#

cd /shared/data/2018_12US1
du -h


40K	./CMAQ_v54+_cb6r5_scripts
44K	./CMAQ_v54+_cracmm_scripts
1.5G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/cmv_c1c2_12
2.3G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/cmv_c3_12
3.3G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/merged_nobeis_norwc
1.1G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/othpt
990M	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/pt_oilgas
4.5M	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/ptagfire
206M	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/ptegu
14M	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/ptfire
1004K	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/ptfire_grass
944K	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/ptfire_othna
4.7G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready/ptnonipm
14G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/cmaq_ready
2.9G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/premerged/rwc
2.9G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR/premerged
17G	./emis/cb6r3_ae6_20200131_MYR
60K	./emis/emis_dates
17G	./emis
2.2G	./epic
13G	./icbc/CMAQv54_2018_108NHEMI_M3DRY
17G	./icbc
26G	./met/WRFv4.3.3_LTNG_MCIP5.3.3_compressed
26G	./met
3.9G	./misc
697M	./surface
66G	.

5.5. Install CMAQv5.4+#

Change directories to install and build the libraries and CMAQ

Install netCDF C and Fortran Libraries

cd /shared/cyclecloud-cmaq
cp dot.cshrc  ~/.cshrc

Execute the .cshrc shell


Verify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable




Install I/O API Library

cd /shared/cyclecloud-cmaq

Build CMAQ


5.6. Copy and Examine CMAQ Run Scripts#

Obtain a copy of the CMAQ run script that has been edited to use the /mnt/beeond shared filesystem.

cp /shared/cyclecloud-cmaq/run_scripts/CMAQ_v54+_beeond/run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.*.ncclassic.csh /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts/


The time that it takes the 2 day CONUS benchmark to run will vary based on the number of CPUs used, and the compute node that is being used, and what disks are used for the I/O (shared, beeond or lustre). The timings reported below are from the beeond filesystem on HB120v3 compute nodes.

Examine how the run script is configured

cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts/
head -n 30 /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts/run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.2x96.ncclassic.csh
#!/bin/csh -f

## For CycleCloud 120pe
## data on /lustre data directory
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -o /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts/run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.192.16x12pe.2days.20171222start.2x96.log
#SBATCH -e /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts/run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.192.16x12pe.2days.20171222start.2x96.log
#SBATCH -p hpc
##SBATCH --constraint=BEEOND
###SBATCH --beeond

The “beeond start” command was added to the top of the job script, and “beeond stop” to the end. Note, the -m 2 option is specific to using two nodes, this should be modified to match the number of nodes specified in the `SBATCH --nodes=`  command above:

# ===================================================================

#> Start Beeond filesystem

# ===================================================================

beeond start -P -m 2 -n /shared/home/$SLURM_JOB_USER/nodefile-$SLURM_JOB_ID  -d /mnt/nvme -c /mnt/beeond -f /etc/beegfs

## Copy files to /mnt/beeond, note, it may take 5 minutes to prepare the /mnt/beeond filesystem and to copy the data

beeond-cp stagein -n ~/nodefile-$SLURM_JOB_ID -g /shared/data/2018_12US1 -l /mnt/beeond/data/2018_12US1


In this run script, slurm or SBATCH requests 2 nodes, each node with 96 pes, or 2x96 = 192 pes

Verify that the NPCOL and NPROW settings in the script are configured to match what is being requested in the SBATCH commands that tell slurm how many compute nodes to provision. In this case, to run CMAQ using on 192 cpus (SBATCH –nodes=2 and –ntasks-per-node=96), use NPCOL=16 and NPROW=12.

grep NPCOL run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.2x96.ncclassic.csh


#> Horizontal domain decomposition
   setenv NPCOL_NPROW "1 1"; set NPROCS   = 1 # single processor setting
   @ NPCOL  =  16; @ NPROW =  12

Verify that the modules are loaded

module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) gcc-9.2.0   2) mpi/openmpi-4.1.5  

5.7. Submit Job to Slurm Queue to run CMAQ on beeond#

cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts
sbatch run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.2x96.ncclassic.csh

5.7.1. Check status of run#



[lizadams@ip-0A0A000A scripts]$ squeue
                 1       hpc     CMAQ lizadams CF       0:01      2 beeondtest2-hpc-[1-2]

It takes about 5-8 minutes for the compute nodes to spin up, after the nodes are available, the status will change from CF to R.

5.7.2. Successfully started run#



                25       hpc     CMAQ lizadams  R      56:26      2 CycleCloud8-5Beond-hpc-[3-4]

5.7.3. Check that the /mnt/beeond filesystem has been created on the compute nodes#

Login to the compute node by getting the IP address of the compute node. To find this IP address you need to go to the webpage where you configured the Azure CycleCloud Clusters: https://IP-address/home Double click on hpc to show the view details panel. Double click on one of the hpc compute nodes, and a pop-up window will appear, click on connect to obtain the IP address of the compute node.

ssh $USER@IP-address-compute-node

If you are running on 2 compute nodes, then there are two 1.8 TB /nvme drives. Beeond will create a shared 3.5 TB shared drive on /mnt/beeond

df -h


[lizadams@ip-0A0A000B ~]$ df -h
Filesystem          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs            225G     0  225G   0% /dev
tmpfs               225G     0  225G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               225G   18M  225G   1% /run
tmpfs               225G     0  225G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda2            59G   27G   33G  45% /
/dev/sda1           994M  209M  786M  21% /boot
/dev/sda15          495M  5.9M  489M   2% /boot/efi
/dev/sdb1           472G  216K  448G   1% /mnt
/dev/md10           1.8T   16G  1.8T   1% /mnt/nvme    30G  247M   30G   1% /sched 1000G   95G  906G  10% /shared
tmpfs                45G     0   45G   0% /run/user/20001
beegfs_ondemand     3.5T   31G  3.5T   1% /mnt/beeond

5.7.4. Check on the log file status#

grep -i 'Processing completed.' run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.192.16x12pe.2days.20171222start.2x96.log


            Processing completed...       5.8654 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8665 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8610 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8422 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8657 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8616 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8824 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8581 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8653 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8961 seconds
            Processing completed...       7.9473 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.4089 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8996 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.9659 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.9462 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.8966 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.9326 seconds

Once the job has completed running the two day benchmark check the log file for the timings.

tail -n 30 run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.192.16x12pe.2days.20171222start.2x96.log


  ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT *****
Start Day: 2017-12-22
End Day:   2017-12-23
Number of Simulation Days: 2
Domain Name:               12US1
Number of Grid Cells:      4803435  (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers:          35
Number of Processes:       192
   All times are in seconds.

Num  Day        Wall Time
01   2017-12-22   1966.4
02   2017-12-23   2170.2
     Total Time = 4136.60
      Avg. Time = 2068.30
INFO: Using status information file: /tmp/beeond.tmp
INFO: Checking reachability of host
INFO: Checking reachability of host
INFO: Unmounting file system on host:
sudo: do_stoplocal: command not found
INFO: Unmounting file system on host:
sudo: do_stoplocal: command not found
INFO: Stopping remaining processes on host:
INFO: Stopping remaining processes on host:
INFO: Deleting status file on host:
INFO: Deleting status file on host:

5.8. submit job to run on 1 node x 96 processors#

sbatch run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.1x96.ncclassic.csh

Check result after job has finished

tail -n 30 run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.96.8x12pe.2days.20171222start.1x96.log


  ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT *****
Start Day: 2017-12-22
End Day:   2017-12-23
Number of Simulation Days: 2
Domain Name:               12US1
Number of Grid Cells:      4803435  (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers:          35
Number of Processes:       96
   All times are in seconds.

Num  Day        Wall Time
01   2017-12-22   3278.9
02   2017-12-23   3800.7
     Total Time = 7079.60
      Avg. Time = 3539.80

5.9. Submit job to run on 3 nodes#

sbatch run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.3x96.ncclassic.csh

Verify the size of the beeond filesystem when using 3 nodes is 5.3 T.

ssh $USER@IP-address-compute-node
df -h


 df -h
Filesystem          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs            225G     0  225G   0% /dev
tmpfs               225G  789M  224G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs               225G   18M  225G   1% /run
tmpfs               225G     0  225G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda2            59G   27G   33G  45% /
/dev/sda1           994M  209M  786M  21% /boot
/dev/sda15          495M  5.9M  489M   2% /boot/efi
/dev/sdb1           472G  216K  448G   1% /mnt
/dev/md10           1.8T   39G  1.8T   3% /mnt/nvme    30G  247M   30G   1% /sched 1000G  223G  778G  23% /shared
tmpfs                45G     0   45G   0% /run/user/20001
beegfs_ondemand     5.3T  116G  5.2T   3% /mnt/beeond

5.10. Check how quickly the processing is being completed#

grep -i 'Processing completed' run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.288.16x18pe.2days.20171222start.3x96.log


            Processing completed...       7.4152 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.7284 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.6439 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5742 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.6011 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5687 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5505 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5686 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5193 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5192 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.4985 seconds
            Processing completed...       6.7259 seconds
            Processing completed...       6.3606 seconds
            Processing completed...       5.5312 seconds

5.11. Check results when job has completed successfully#

tail -n 30 run_cctm5.4+_Bench_2018_12US1_cb6r5_ae6_20200131_MYR.288.16x18pe.2days.20171222start.3x96.log


  ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT *****
Start Day: 2017-12-22
End Day:   2017-12-23
Number of Simulation Days: 2
Domain Name:               12US1
Number of Grid Cells:      4803435  (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers:          35
Number of Processes:       288
   All times are in seconds.

Num  Day        Wall Time
01   2017-12-22   1588.4
02   2017-12-23   1721.8
     Total Time = 3310.20
      Avg. Time = 1655.10

5.12. Check to see if spot VMs are available#

Spot Pricing Search for HB120rs_v3

5.13. Unsuccessful slurm status messages#

The NODELIST reason “Nodes required for the job are DOWN…”
Will be generated if a batch is submitted prior to the previous job successfully terminating the nodes
Wait 5 -10 minutes and see if the status changes from PD (pending) to CF (configuring).



                 3       hpc     CMAQ lizadams PD       0:00      3 (Nodes required for job are DOWN, DRAINED or reserved for jobs in higher priority partitions)

The NODELIST reason “launch failed requeued held” requires that the job be canceled. Note, if you get this message, it may result in the HPC compute nodes staying up and charging, without running the job, so is important to cancel the job using scancel.

                 3       hpc     CMAQ lizadams PD       0:00      3 (launch failed requeued held)
scancel 3

Confirm that the HPC VMs are deleted by viewing the CycleCloud webpage.

5.14. Change to HB176_v4 compute node#

Terminate the cluster

Edit the cluster configuration

Select HB174_v4 for the HPC compute nodes

Start the cluster

Submit following run script

cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54/CCTM/scripts 
sbatch run_cctm_2018_12US1_v54_cb6r5_ae6.20171222.1x176.ncclassic.beeond.csh

Login to the compute node to verify beeond was created

df -h


df -h
Filesystem          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs            378G     0  378G   0% /dev
tmpfs               378G     0  378G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               378G   18M  378G   1% /run
tmpfs               378G     0  378G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda2            59G   27G   33G  45% /
/dev/sda1           994M  209M  786M  21% /boot
/dev/sda15          495M  5.9M  489M   2% /boot/efi
/dev/sdb1           472G  216K  448G   1% /mnt
/dev/md10           3.5T   28G  3.5T   1% /mnt/nvme    30G  247M   30G   1% /sched 1000G  421G  580G  43% /shared
tmpfs                76G     0   76G   0% /run/user/20001
beegfs_ondemand     3.5T   28G  3.5T   1% /mnt/beeond

Note, some of these instructions do not work, as azslurm is not found on the AlmaLinux8 OS. Additional instructions are available here: Azure CycleCloud 8 help for Slurm

5.15. To recover from failure use the terminate cluster option#

If the job does not begin to configure, then you may need to terminate and then restart the cluster.

The terminate option does not delete the software, it only shuts down the scheduler and compute nodes.
The terminate option is equivalent to stopping the cluster. Once it has been stopped, the cluster can be restarted using the Start button.

5.16. If SLURM jobs are in a bad state#

When the job fails the compute nodes are put into an unusable Slurm state. You can try to reset them with scontrol like so:

sudo scontrol update nodename=hpc-[1-2] state=resume

If that doesn’t reset them you can try the CycleCloud command to shutdown the nodes (suspend):

sudo -i azslurm suspend –node-list hpc-[1-2]

Likewise you can start nodes that are in a “bad” Slurm state like this:

sudo -i azslurm resume –node-list hpc-[1-2]

In all the cases above replace hpc-[1-2] with your specific node list.