18.1.4. Configuring selected storage and obtaining input data#

Install AWS CLI to obtain data from AWS S3 Bucket#

see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html

cd /shared/build
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install

edit .cshrc file to add /usr/local/bin to path#

vi ~/.cshrc`

add /usr/local/bin to the set path line

Run csh at the command line

Verify you can run the aws command#

aws --help

If not, you may need to logout and back in.

Set up your credentials for using s3 copy (you can skip this if you do not have credentials)

aws configure

Azure Cyclecloud install input on the /shared/data directory#

sudo mkdir /shared/data

Change ownership#

sudo chown azureuser /shared/data
ls /shared/data
df -h


/dev/mapper/vg_cyclecloud_builtinshared-lv0 1000G   66G  935G   7% /shared

Use the following aws cp command to copy the CONUS input data from the CMAS s3 bucket#

Modify the script if you want to change where the data is saved to. Script currently uses /shared/data

cd /shared/data
aws s3 --no-sign-request --region=us-east-1 cp --recursive s3://cmas-cmaq/CMAQv5.4_2018_12US1_Benchmark_2Day_Input .

check that the resulting directory structure matches the run script

Note, this input data requires 85 GB of disk space

cd /shared/data/2018_12US1
du -sh


85G     .

CMAQ Cycle Cloud is configured to have 1 Terrabytes of space on the /shared filesystem, to allow multiple output runs to be stored.